Middle Valley Liri Museum
#museal space
Integration and enhancement of the communication systems, educational tools and accessibility in the "Middle Valley Liri Museum" on Sora, Italy.
Ilias Fragkakis, Paolo Emilio Bellisario
Museo Civico di Sora (FR)
The graphic re-design of the informational panels of the museum focuses on making the historical information accessible to more people. The text's layout, height, and dimensions are carefully and properly chosen to give the best possible reading experience. Furthermore, each panel is implemented with QR code and NFC technology to provide visitors access -via smartphone- to more detailed info, audiobooks for visually impaired people, and even kid-friendly simplified audiovisual content. Last but not least, 3D printed models of the archaeological finds are available where needed to give a tactile experience and the possibility to all visitors to review the findings in a more appropriate dimension.